The 5th lesson of Python tutorial, strings - BoardCode
Python tutorial lesson 5 string
This is the 5thr lesson of Python tutorial, in this lesson we deal with sequences, the second category of data types in Python.
Basically, there are 5 kinds of sequences strings, lists, tuples, sets and ranges . On the other hand, there is another division of sequences, mutable and immutable.

Here, we would discuss strings. About the others we would later.

A sequence is an object consisted of an ordered and  an indexed group of  item.

A string ( str for short) is any character enclosed between a pair of single or double quotation marks. Strings are sequences.
For example 'Python' and "Python" are strings. Unlike Java and C++ , in Python there is no type called char ( a char is a string has only one character).
Making a string:
To make one, you can simply use a pair of single or double quotation marks, or use the built-in function str(), in fact str() function is used to convert integers and floating point numbers to a string.
'' an empty string ( has no character)
" " holds the whitespace character (space button from keyboard).
str("python") returns "python".

Operations on strings:
+ operator (concatenation):
s1 +s2 join two strings or more together.
" p"+"y"+"thon"="python"

* operator (repetition)
str*n repeats the string str n times
"ha"*4=" hahahaha".

in and not in operators (membership)
s1 in s2 returns True if s1 is a substring of s2, not in is the opposite.

There is no operator we can split strings with. However, there is a useful technique we can do that with, which is slicing. We will talk about soon.

Access items and slicing:
To get an item we use indexing of sequences.
Syntax: str's name [index] ,the index begins from 0 ( from  the left to the right).
s="python",s[0] --> " p", s[1] --> "y" ..etc
There is another way to get string's items which is the negative index. The negative index starts counting from  the right to the left , while the last ( first item at right) item has the index of -1.
s="python", s[-1] --> "n", s[-2] --> "o" ..etc
Now. Whatever if we want to access to a substring? How do we do that?
Slicing is the solution.
Syntax like to get one item , we use square brackets [] to get a substring. The method is, string's name [start=0: end=Len(string) ].
str's name [i:j] shows a substring begins from the character with position i (included) to the character with  the position j (not included).
s=" programming", s[1:5] is "rogr", s[0:6] is "progra".

Here are main slicing usage:
s[i:j] from i ( included ) to j ( not included ).
s[i:] from i to the end.
s[:i] from the beginning to i ( i not included).
s[:] all the string.
s[-i: ] the last character with position -i to the end.
"programming" [-4: ] is "ming".
s[:-i] from the beginning to the position of -i.
"Tkinter"[:-3] is "Tkin".

We mentioned above, that there is no operator to split strings with, but slicing is very useful here.
For example: if we want to split "programming" into  "program" and "ming", we will make two variables, substr1 and substr2, while:
substr1="programming"[:7] and substr2="programming"[7:].

Now, let's discuss two built-in functions.
returns the size (items number) of an iterable object.
len("python") -->6.
len("my name") -->7.
We spoke in the last lesson about the built-in functionsi nt() and float(). str() does their opposite work. It converts an integer or a floating point number or even a complwx to a string.
str(4) --> "-4".
str(3.5) --> "3.5".

In a coming lesson we will discuss the difference between mutable and immutable. And iterable objects.

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